What if we went through life never doubting ourselves? I turned 31 five days ago on May 22nd 😊 At the oldest I have ever been in my life, I feel the best I’ve ever felt in my life. (Or maybe I am just at a wiser time in my life where I am actually doing internal reflections to know […]
“Crushing Fitness & Stereotypes!”
“According to the CDC, around 10.5% of the population of the United States had diabetes in 2018. 11.7% of those diagnosed were non-Hispanic Black people and 7.5% were non-Hispanic white people… Around 1 in 3 U.S. adults have prediabetes.” Have you checked your A1C lately? “But doctor, I don’t eat sweets!” “Hey, doc, you know I work out 5 days […]
“Putting in That Work: In the Gym with Moni Jay”
You made it this far, do you want to give up now? “I already know what giving up feels like. I want to see what happens if I don’t.” Neila Ray Last week we talked about what essential tips are needed to get you started on your fitness journeys in 2021. This week we are going to see those essential […]
“Let’s Begin! – A 2021 Check-In”
What are your top three priorities in your life? Wow, it’s already March! How are those fitness resolutions going? I am sure that on January 1st, many of us set goals to work out every day, cut out sugar and bread, or even give up alcohol! What were your 2021 fitness and nutrition goals? How are you coming along with […]
“Yes, We’re Still Out Here Crushing Our Fitness Journeys! — Part 2”
How are your fitness and nutrition journeys going?! Like many of you, I incorporated fitness into my 2021 goals. And I know so many people habitually make hitting the gym or dieting as a new year resolution. But sometimes, not everyone sees those resolutions and goals through during the entire year. Trust me, I’ve been there way too many times! […]
“That’s Worth Highlighting! — Moni Jay’s 2020 in Review”
What’s one of your highlights from 2020? Post it in the comments! Here are my top 20 highlights from 2020, in no specific order: 1. Hosted my very first Vision Board Party and created a vision board for the first time. I was so hype for 2020 and what I had planned that I needed to host this vision board […]
“Carbs — They Love Me, They Love Me Not”
What is your favorite food? Growing up, Grandpa always did the cooking. I began living with Grandpa and my cousins at the age of 11. When we woke up in the morning we either had a cooked breakfast of grits, eggs, toast, sausage, and bacon, or we had several options to choose from like oatmeal, cereal, or PopTarts (or if […]
“I Think I Can, I Think I Can! – Crushing Your Fitness Journey, Part 1”
Do you know that you can do anything that you set your mind to? I shared this photo with you all on Instagram and Facebook. I lost nearly 20 pounds in less than 3 months! That’s not even the best part. I lost the weight in a fun and healthy way! So how did I do that? Well first, let […]