• Athens, Georgia

“Learn How to Just Be.”

Do you know how to just “be”? If so, how do you do it? Yes this is a 2nd post this week. My mind was fluttering with thoughts that I had to get them on paper. This blog is not just a motivational and inspirational source for my readers, but it is also an outlet for me. Today is my […]

“Area Code 7-2-4”

If you could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? “Do you plan to move back home to practice law?” “What made you move to Georgia from Pennsylvania?” “Where is your family?” “You moved down here by yourself?” Those are some of the questions I’ve heard over the past 8+ years of living in […]

“Crushing Fitness & Stereotypes!”

“According to the CDC, around 10.5% of the population of the United States had diabetes in 2018. 11.7% of those diagnosed were non-Hispanic Black people and 7.5% were non-Hispanic white people… Around 1 in 3 U.S. adults have prediabetes.” Have you checked your A1C lately? “But doctor, I don’t eat sweets!” “Hey, doc, you know I work out 5 days […]

“Blessed with Motherhood”

Who is your superhero? Yes. I’m a lawyer. Yes. I’m a blogger. But, am I a poet??? Nahhh, I’m not a poet, but I know how to latch onto something when it drops into my spirit. A couple of weeks ago, I had to unexpectedly travel to Gay, Georgia for my great, great, Aunt Josie’s funeral. Despite the sad circumstances, […]