What is your favorite game to play? Video games were (and still are) my brothers and dad’s thing. They let baby sis hop on the game whenever they needed something to lighten the mood when they were losing one of their tournaments. Baby sis got a good bit of Ws in her career though! I remember most of the video […]
“C.C. Stands For…”
How would you describe your pet? C.C. stands for Cole Carter. He is newly 8 years old and is a Pitbull mix. Don’t ask me what he’s mixed with because his own mama doesn’t even know. Cole was born August 2013 and I brought him home with me December 2013. I didn’t know it back then, but this little 45lb, […]
“One Heck of A Ride!”
What’s something you looked forward to every year growing up? I don’t think it matters where you live, our minds probably go towards the same thoughts during the summer. The weather may be slightly different depending on where you live, but when summer hits, our minds jump to vacation mode. Family trips to resorts and amusement parks. Graduation trips and […]
“There’s Nothing Like a Father’s Love”
Do you think there’s a difference between being a “father” and being a “dad”? Daddy’s little girl found her voice.Daddy’s little girl isn’t so little anymore.Daddy’s little girl is an eagle soaring. Daddy’s little girl is his friend.Daddy’s little girl is a blessing.Daddy’s little girl is his daughter. His daughter asks questions.But isn’t that how we learn, daddy?His daughter challenges […]
“Blessed with Motherhood”
Who is your superhero? Yes. I’m a lawyer. Yes. I’m a blogger. But, am I a poet??? Nahhh, I’m not a poet, but I know how to latch onto something when it drops into my spirit. A couple of weeks ago, I had to unexpectedly travel to Gay, Georgia for my great, great, Aunt Josie’s funeral. Despite the sad circumstances, […]
“To Be Vaccinated or Not to Be? That is the Question”
Did you get the Covid-19 vaccine? If not, do you plan on it? Tell me more in the comments. *Any stats/general COVID-19 information will come from the CDC website for consistency.* Most Americans plan their years off the months and the seasons. Spring March to May. Summer June to August. Fall September to November. Winter December to February. Repeat. During […]
“Please, Don’t Take My Confidence! Robbing You of Black Love, Part II”
Who is your celebrity crush? (This post is a continuation of last week’s post. If you missed it, click here to read Black Love, Part 1. Again, there will be no photos in this post, sorry! But I promise it’s another good one!) I am sure we are all familiar with the “free pass” some significant others give to their […]
“Hands Up, It’s a Stickup! Robbing You of Black Love, Part I”
Do you think that America has robbed Black men of love? (Apologies, there aren’t any photos in this blog post. The topic is so heavy but enlightening at the same time. I’ll just let the words speak for themselves!) A few weeks ago I went out to a late lunch with my intern. We went to a local restaurant downtown […]
“Home Alone — A Covid Christmas”
How do you normally celebrate the holidays? “I’m fine, thanks!” That was my notorious, go-to response when my inbox would fill will questions of how I’m feeling or if I needed anything. At first, I felt flattered having everyone and their mama reaching out to me to make sure I was okay. But then, after the first flood of texts, […]
“That’s Worth Highlighting! — Moni Jay’s 2020 in Review”
What’s one of your highlights from 2020? Post it in the comments! Here are my top 20 highlights from 2020, in no specific order: 1. Hosted my very first Vision Board Party and created a vision board for the first time. I was so hype for 2020 and what I had planned that I needed to host this vision board […]