• Athens, Georgia

“C.C. Stands For…”

How would you describe your pet?

C.C. stands for Cole Carter. He is newly 8 years old and is a Pitbull mix. Don’t ask me what he’s mixed with because his own mama doesn’t even know. Cole was born August 2013 and I brought him home with me December 2013. I didn’t know it back then, but this little 45lb, 4-legged, human in a dog’s body changed my life for the better.

December 2013 I was in law school. Just finished my first semester of my second year. Literally halfway through the torture. Then here comes my baby Cole Carter. This blog post is ALL about him!

Young Moni Jay & Young Cole

Cole loves long walks on the beach. Nah, he loves long walks, but probably not on the beach. But he’s never been to a beach so unsure. This man doesn’t love nor even like water. He hates and is probably terrified by baths. The groomers always call him such a sweet boy who is very dramatic. Yup, I wonder where he gets the drama from??? He also hates getting his nails clipped; it takes 2 people to get them done. *long sigh* But you know what? He has a one-of-a-kind personality!

Outdoors. Give him everything outdoors (but probably not the water lol). Toys ahhh yes toys, let’s play tug-of-war with a toy that is long enough to tug but short enough for him to try to grab it near your hand so you’re forced to let it go and he runs off happily with the victory. Treats, can never have enough of those!

Give him a treat when he sits. When he lays down. When he rolls over. When he plays dead after you make a gun gesture with your hand and yell “bang bang!” When he jumps on the door handle to “open the door.” When he sits and looks at you with his big hazel eyes as he waits to be told he can eat. When he shakes your hand and tells you “bye bye.” When he fetches the ball or jumps up to catch it in his mouth. When he gives you a big ol’ hug after he senses you had a long, stressful day at work. Oh, and when he snuggles up beside you as you sit on the floor crying about something that made you sad.

You can also give him a treat to try to calm him when there’s a thunderstorm. It’s now your turn to sit on the floor and snuggle next to him to console him as the thunder or the fireworks are blaring. If you can’t find him in his bed during a storm, just check mama’s bathroom floor. Nope, he don’t like to be in there for bath time, but I guess it gives some kind of comforting feeling???

Let him lay outside on the porch while you do work. He can probably lay there all day, but don’t leave him out there without his mama. He gotta know where she’s at at all times. (No such thing as closed doors in my house *eye roll*. And when we’re home in PA, he’s lying outside the bathroom door…). Even though he’s a mama’s boy, he loves loves loves playing with other pups! But just like his mama, don’t be tryna bring cats into the mix. We BOTH don’t play that! Just as he barks at cats, he’s def going to bark at the mailman, the Amazon man, the food delivery guy, the neighbor, the random person walking down the street, and anyone he hears outside that might just be thinking about coming in or near the house. You gotta leave the blinds open so he can have a peek outside and be nosey. (I wonder where he gets that from???).

Cole loves people, but he knows better than to jump on them when they come into the house. He just needs to sniff them for minutes on end. He is always laying up under someone’s feet and getting cussed at for almost making them trip. He loves playing hide and seek with his Aunt Patt. He hates hearing that beeping sound when someone’s smoke detector battery is dead (me too, boy!). He hates hearing the word “car” or “park” without being immediately transported there. He has no sense of time or patience.

I can go on and on about my baby boy Cole. We have this bond where he doesn’t and will never stray too far away from his mama girl. When I hear stories about people’s dogs running out the front door and not coming back, I try really hard to empathize with them, but can’t. Cole not only knows better *in my Black mama voice* but also doesn’t know what to do without me haha.

I don’t know what I would do without him. Living this I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T life is fine and dandy, but it gets lonely, so rather than talking to yourself sometimes, you find yourself talking to your pet. And your pet is the best best friend to have because THEY CAN’T TELL ANYONE YOUR SECRETS! They have the ability to feel when you’re down. They love to make you smile and have fun. And they are pretty good at communicating their needs and desires. Cole is my child. He’s my son. We’ve been in this thing called life together for almost 8 years. And it’s been such a lovely (yet stressful at times) ride! I thank God for Cole quite often. I am so thankful for his youth and his health. And for the ability to care for him.

Happy 8th Birthday Cole!! You’re loved by many, but not as much as by your mama girl 🙂

“The great God who formed everything gives the fool his hire and the transgressor his wages. As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.” — Proverbs 26:10-11, NKJV.

Moni Jay, Off the Record

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