• Athens, Georgia

“Which Is Better, 1 or 2? — Crushing Fitness Part 4!”

What do you like better, preferences or requirements?

If you’re a social media user, you might have seen some pages post various polls on their stories on Thursdays and call them “This or That Thursdays.” I like it. I think it’s cute and fun! Sometimes their topics can be “which dessert do you prefer?” Or “which [insert random item] is better?” I don’t think there is any objective behind these posts; merely just sparking conversation. Not gathering data for a research project or anything. Just something random, something fun, something to do.

Well, if you haven’t seen them, that’s a thing (at least from some of the pages I follow). And last week I did something similar. But it wasn’t on a Thursday because you know … life lol. As I was walking on the Stairmaster, I randomly thought about whether people liked morning workouts or evening workouts? And then my mind continued to craft more questions. Then I proceeded to post the polls on my IG story. I wasn’t expecting a lot of people to answer, but I guess the questions were easy enough to quickly answer, and the topic was about something people could feel confident in and are currently engaging in — their fitness!

A good bit of people engaged in my random “this or that?” fitness poll last week, and I also ended up sharing my preferences. Now, I want to hear yours!

(The numbers below the percentages are the number of people who voted in the poll).

This or That?

Morning vs. Evening?
Cardio vs. Strength?
Strength vs. HIIT?
Fasted vs. Non-Fasted?
Workout in the Gym vs. Workout at Home?
Group Workouts vs. Solo Workouts?
Gym Machines vs. Bodyweight Workouts?

Share some of your responses in the comments below! There’s no right or wrong answer to those questions! But remember your answers are your keys to crushing your fitness journeys! You all already know how important your “why” is to your fitness journeys; because that’s what keeps us going! Schedule your workouts, create a routine, hire a personal trainer, download virtual workouts, grab a workout partner…do whatever you need to do to align your fitness journey with your preferences! You can do it!

“He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.” — Matthew 10:39, NKJV.

Moni Jay, Off the Record

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