• Athens, Georgia

“A Friendly Reminder”

What’s your favorite day of the week?

I like to think that one of my contributions to the community is my Monday Motivational Messages that I share on my YouTube channel every week. They’re not pretty. They’re not super long. And they’re sometimes recorded at the last minute on a Sunday evening. I also don’t know how many people in the community actually watch them weekly, but they’re there with hopes that whoever watches them will feel inspired and encouraged at the beginning of the week. You know, just put a smile on their faces and make them feel better!

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya angelou

A new video is posted on my YouTube channel, “Lawyer Lady Moni Jay,” at midnight every Monday. Feel free to subscribe and turn on notifications so that you can check them out! Or, maybe this is just a friendly reminder that when one of those weeks feels heavy, you can swing over to my channel and see what message is waiting for you to turn that frown upside down!

Here are the transcriptions of the motivational messages that I recorded each week in November! I try to keep the videos short, close to 1 minute. The titles here are linked to the videos on my channel!

“Knowing and Doing What’s Important” — 11/1/21

“Release yourself of unnecessary obligations. I went ahead and put the definition of an obligation in the description below because I know that many of us, we don’t necessarily understand or realize what an obligation truly is. There are a lot of things that we encounter in life that we feel like we just have to do, but in reality, those are just things that we should do or would strongly like to do. But we don’t have to do those things. I don’t have to post a motivational message every Monday. I don’t have to write a blog post every Thursday. But I love doing those things, and I want to do those things, so I do them. But if for whatever reason my life became overwhelming or time just got by me, life will go on if I don’t post a message on Monday or a blog post on Thursday. Those aren’t necessarily obligations. Now, paying your rent and your bills and showing up to work, those are obligations if we want to continue to have somewhere to live or a job. However, going to a social gathering when we’re not necessarily in the mood to socialize, that’s not an obligation. Getting a coworker or a friend a gift when our finances don’t really allow us to at that time, that’s not an obligation. Those are things that we would like to do, or strongly should do, but we’re not obligated to do those things. And so, I know many of us, just like me, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves because we feel like we have to do certain things. But, if that thing is going to disrupt your peace, if that thing is going to ruin your mood, don’t do it. Know that life will still go on, people will still love you, you will still be a great person. But this is a friendly reminder to release yourself of unnecessary obligations.”

“Turn That Frown Upside Down; A Friendly Reminder” — 11/8/21

“It could be worse. If you are watching this, I want to remind you that whatever it is you’re going through, whatever it is that you’re dealing with, it really could be worse. I know that we have a lot of obligations and that we work hard for what we want and we plan things out, and some things they go sideways, some things are out of our control, and it’s okay to get frustrated, it’s okay to get sad or upset about it. But we, have to remind ourselves to pick ourselves back up and know that it really could be worse. There are people out there dealing with wayyy worse situations than we are. We need to be grateful and honor the things that are in our life, be thankful for the people that are in our life, and be kind to others because it really could be worse.”

“The Benefits of Daydreaming” — 11/15/21

“In a world where we always strive to be so productive and to use every minute of our day doing something, we can sometimes feel guilty when we catch ourselves daydreaming. But, daydreaming can be healthy, daydreaming can be fruitful. We can birth new ideas, brainstorm, and plan. I like to think of new things and really work out some things in my head when I go on a long walk or when I’m laying down before bed in silence. If you can see yourself doing something, then you can achieve it. If you can literally visualize yourself doing something, in a specific place, saying specific things, interacting with specific people in this new endeavor, or whatever idea it is that you have, that’s how you know that you can achieve it! Figure out what time commitment you need, figure out what resources you need, and step out of your comfort zone knowing that you can achieve anything that you put your mind to.”

“Peace, Love, & Joy” — 11/22/21

“Love on your loved ones just a little extra this week. We never know when it’s the last time that we’ll see them again. The past few days, I have lost 2 family members, I have people in my work circles who have lost family members, and it just seems like such a heavy season. And it just made me want to remind us all to love on each other, our family members, our friends a little bit extra. And, if you’re thinking about going home with your family for Thanksgiving but you really don’t want it to be a 1 or 2-day trip, or you really want to save that money for another trip or something else next year, I would just encourage you to take that trip. Because again, you never know when you’ll see that loved one again. Visit home if you’re able to. And if you’re just actually not able to due to money, due to Covid, or anything else, give them an extra call this week. FaceTime them. Video chat them. Let them know that you love them and that you are there for them even though you can’t be physically. And if you need an extra hug today, or this week, or this holiday season, don’t be afraid to express that. Your friends and your family and people in your corner, they love you. They want the best for you. So don’t be afraid to express that you need a little bit of extra loving this week. Go out there, love on each other, be kind to each other because again, we never know when it’ll be the last time that we see each other. Happy Thanksgiving!”

“A Friendly Reminder” — 11/29/21

“Do what makes YOU happy. This is a friendly reminder to do what makes YOU happy. The holidays are coming around and a lot of times our time and our energy are spent on our kids, our family, our clients, but I want to remind you guys to do what makes YOU happy. Whether it’s today, this week, or before the end of the year, what makes you happy? Do that! Do what makes YOU happy.”

I didn’t realize until today that I started recording and sharing these Monday Motivational Messages back in May! On my YouTube channel, I have a public Playlist entitled “Motivational Messages.” There are currently 31 videos on that playlist! It’s crazy how you start out taking that first step in that direction you want to go, and then later look back and see how many steps you’ve taken and how far you’ve come! Remember, if you can visualize yourself doing it, then you can achieve it!

Stay positive my friends! Stay encouraged today, this week, and each day of the rest of your lives! Setbacks and heartache are parts of life, but we can hold on to our strength and get through those dark moments and find the light again, again, and again! Oh, and Monday is MY favorite day of the week 🙂

“Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.” — 1 Timothy 6:17, NKJV.

Moni Jay, Off the Record

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