“A Rose That Grew From Concrete”
What is one of your favorite quotes/mantras/bible verses?
I didn’t “find God for myself” until my freshman year of college. … It was then that I made the conscious decision to get up early Sunday morning to get ready for church, regardless of what I did that Saturday night. It was then I began to fall in love with Jesus, gained an understanding of God’s word, and wanted to share His goodness with others. It was then that I cultivated a relationship with God on my own.
“Don’t Look Up, You’ll Be Too Amazed” – Imani J.
Hey there, my name is Imani Carter. I am far from perfect but I made it where I am today because of God’s grace and His mercy. I wake up every morning with new opportunities to spread joy to others and to make a difference in this world because God never left me nor forsook me. He loves me. He guides me. He holds my hand. When I get bogged down, discouraged, or even faced with a new challenge, I hear God’s voice whisper in my ear, “I got you, sis!” I am reminded of His love for me every day. My name is Imani Carter and I am a rose that grew out of the concrete.
Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature’s law is wrong it
learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared.
“The Rose That Grew From Concrete” By tupac shakur
I knew what I wanted this blog post to be about. I tried to think of a catchy title. A rose that grew from concrete immediately popped into my mind and I hopped on Google to find the poem. As I searched for other interpretations of this poem, I came across a blog post that said, “the rose correlates with people, and how beautiful people are and how even in our imperfections we can be loved.” No, I did not have the same experiences growing up that I’m sure Tupac Shakur had. But I do come from an imperfect world and have made mistakes where I find that despite it all, God still shows mad love for this thorny rose.
In September 2012, I joined Timothy Baptist Church, and almost immediately I became a member of their dance ministry. Over the past few years I not only grown as a Christian, but I have also grown as a dancer and worshipper. Some people still do not fully understand what it means to worship the Lord through dance, but I have slowly begun to show them what it means rather than tell them. When I dance for God and worship Him, I am not just moving my body to the music. I am using my body as an instrument to serve God. Every time before I minister in church, I say a personal prayer that includes “Lord, please remove everything from me that is not like You. I pray that when they see me they see You…” No matter how much I love praising God through dance, I never would have imagined myself leading the dance ministry at a church!
But God imagined it. He knew it before I even moved to Athens. Yup, I was asked to be the dance ministry leader at my church in May 2019! And despite all of the weekend parties, and many church services I used to attend hungover in college, God didn’t hold my past against me. He didn’t tell me I was unworthy of being a minister in a church. He didn’t tell me I was unfit to lead other young dancers behind me. He knew that those experiences would place me right where I needed to be in the right exact moment. He knew this rose was still going to grow.
When I reflect on my life, I still cannot believe how I ended up where I am today, serving, leading, and worshipping unashamed. But I didn’t make it through the fire and the tribulations all alone! Not only do I pray and talk to God, but I also like to meditate on the word of God to get me through. I am going to share with you a few of my favorite bible verses and how I interpret them. And even if religion ain’t your thing, I hope that my interpretation of the verses will still leave you encouraged, motivated, and inspired!
(All verses will be from the New King James Version.)
But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
The keywords I see here are: wait, renew, strength, eagles, not be weary. Life will feel like it’s going 100 miles an hour sometimes. Moments will flash before our eyes. We’ll wake up Monday morning and it’s already Thursday. We will grow impatient when certain things don’t come to fruition as quick as we want them to. But Isaiah 40:31 reminds me to persevere. Be resilient. Know that when I wait on the Lord (i.e. His promises), on the days that I feel drained and as if I want to give up, I will remember God’s promises, and find unwavering strength within me to soar like an eagle and push through my obstacles.
being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ
Philippians 1:6
This was the scripture of my very first mime team, and one of my all-time favorites! It simply means that if it’s of God, and you begin it, even though you face challenges and setbacks, you will still complete that task/assignment! He started that “good work” in you, and you ain’t gon leave this earth until that good work is “completed!” Keep pushing!
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
jeremiah 29:11
Okay, I feel as if all of my favorite verses are telling us to keep going, don’t give up, you got this! Lol! But seriously, the Bible is an awesome place to find some motivational quotes! Jeremiah 29:11 always brings a warm comfort to my heart; God will never set us up for failure and He always got our backs! He sees everything we are about to face, and even though the current moment might not be ideal, He knows it’s necessary to prune/grow/prepare us for the wonderous future He has laid before us!
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God
philippians 4:6
Don’t you worry about anything! Pray about it! Thank God for it (in advance)! Be specific in what you pray for. God is your homie! Even though He already knows what you want/need, He likes to hear you say it and ask Him for it knowing that He is the One who can make it happen! He is our supplier. I am preaching to the choir because I know that when my money gets low, or I feel behind at work, I can grow very anxious. But every day I remind myself to turn all of my cares and worries over to God and let Him handle it.
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
isaiah 41:10
Isaiah 41:10 is pretty straightforward. When we are believers of God we should never fear. We should never fret. Yall remember that saying, “don’t worry! be happy!” (Here’s the song “Don’t Worry Be Happy”) That’s what this verse is saying! Always strive to see the bright side of things. People might look at you crazy when you’re smiling while experiencing a major tragedy, but you can just tell them “Isaiah 41:10! God will help me!”
The work of righteousness will be peace, And the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.
isaiah 32:17
This is a recent favorite of mine. It was one of the daily verses on the Bible app, and I took the time to look up what the word “righteous” meant. It’s a word we see a lot in the Bible as well as said in church. “Righteous” is an adjective and means: “morally right or justifiable; virtuous.” Morally right. Justifiable. I immediately thought of the purpose behind my job. I am doing the work of righteousness. God placed me here in this position. Thus, I will have peace, quietness, and assurance, FOREVER!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
philippians 4:13
Many people know and love this verse. And I have adopted a shortened version into my daily prayers and requests of God. “Lord give me strength!” When I wake up tired for the day, Lord give me strength. When I know I have a busy day ahead of me, Lord give me strength. When I am *this* close to cussing somebody out, Lord give me strength! Anything I set my mind to, I can accomplish because Christ gives me strength to do so! Even if it means biting my tongue, smiling, and walking away from a confrontation.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us
Ephesians 3:20
Ahhh, Ephesians 3:20. I saved this one for last. Not because it is my favorite fave. But because I think it wraps up all of my favorite bible verses with a pretty little bow. God is able. What is He able to do?! Something so gosh darn amazing that our little human brains have not even possessed the capacity to even think about! Like our brains and imaginations cannot even. They cannot even think of the wonders and miracles that God is capable and able to do. And it’s not just above all that we THINK, it’s also above all that we ASK. So, go ahead, ask for the opportunity to run that small business; lead 100 people; make $1,000. Isaiah 40:31, Philippians 1:6, Jeremiah 29:11, Philippians 4:6, Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 32:17, and Philippians 4:13 will get you started and through it, but Ephesians 3:20 will tell you that you’re dreaming too small! Whew!
The bible is such an AMAZING book! I know I only listed 8 verses, but seriously, a version of those 8 verses is articulated and recited just about every day of my life. Some of them are applied to keep me moving towards the bigger picture, some of them are used to get me through the next 5 minutes of my day, and some are used as fuel to get me to dream bigger. I do not know that if I’ve never connected with Timothy Baptist Church that I would be where I am right now in my spiritual walk. Like I always say, “but God knew!” Haha, but I am so grateful for everything that I have experienced on my spiritual journey thus far! I know that Jesus is my homie and God always got my back! His word is true and motivates me daily, and even in my imperfections He still loves me. What is one of your favorite bible verses, quotes, or mantras? I would love to hear what keeps you grounded and moving forward!
“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” — Hebrews 4:12, NKJV.
Moni Jay, Off the Record

You’re the best mom! And I know I wasn’t the easiest to wake up for church in the mornings growing up, but it all stuck and served its purpose in my life. Love you!
Just about every verse that you shared are verses that I have memorized and have reminded me WHO I am in Christ and WHO He is in my life! Isaiah 40:31 is the verse that got me through boot camp many years ago when it came to the runs that we were required to do! God’s word is power and life! It is a LIVING word! His promises do NOT fail! Your relationship with the Lord is an answer to my prayers for you and your brothers in regard to your personal relationships with the Lord. I have always held to this promise in
Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way that he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
My prayer for you all is that you will all develop an intimate relationship with the Lord and that your brothers will guide their households towards serving the Lord. I’m holding fast to that promise….
Keep following the path on which the Lord has placed you! “Keep looking at your feet!”👣👀
Definitely something I needed to hear today in the midst of a long and trying work week. Thank you for sharing that verse, Sal! 💜
Joshua 1:7 (NIV) — Be strong and very courageous.