• Athens, Georgia

“Even If Just For A Weekend”

When was the last time you did something spontaneous?

On Monday May 10th I booked my flight to Chicago, IL to visit one of my good friends, Devin. I met Devin back in 2018 when he was recently new to Athens, GA. We met at the beloved CrossFit Liberate (“CFL”). Because there weren’t many Black or POC members of CFL, when I saw him in class, I made sure to introduce myself and make that connection. Since then, we grew closer and and our friendship became stronger.

On Monday May 10th I booked my flight to Chicago, IL and was so proud of myself. Why was I so proud? Because I have missed out on so many “in the moment” opportunities. So many times I mentally plan trips to visit people and places, and so many times I never book the flight or plan the trip. I always let work or money stand in the way. “I can use that money to put in my savings.” “I can use that money to buy a necessity that would last a few years.” But, sometimes we just have to do something spontaneous to live in the moment, create new memories with good friends, and just BE. (If you missed my 31st birthday blog post on how to just be, you can check it out here.)

But yeah, I booked my flight to spend Devin’s birthday weekend with him in Chicago. My trip was from Friday June 11th to Monday June 14th. Oh, before I tell you how the trip went, I want to just note that the week of June 7th through the 11th was a jury trial week for me. Unless it’s an emergency, or already planned way in advance, I never schedule trips on jury trial weeks. But the way the past few months have gone, I wanted to choose myself over my job, and I knew how important visiting Devin for the first time would be to him, so I booked that trip!

Friday June 11th

My flight out of Atlanta was 6:10am EST. I live 90 minutes from the airport. I get to the airport 2 hours before takeoff. That meant I needed to be on the road to Atlanta no later than 2:30am. I woke up at 2:53am. And because I was still delirious, I took my grand ol’ time getting showered and ready, thinking if I hit the road at 3:30, I’d still get to the airport by 4:15 (yeah, I know, completely off! Lawyers don’t do math). I didn’t make it to the ATL airport until 4:45am. I had 1 checked bag (because no time to buy all the travel-sized stuff). And don’t you know that line to check your bag was long and out the wazoo?! OMG. I tried not to panic. I did what I’ve seen many people do before when running late — I asked 3 different people if I could cut them in line because my flight was leaving soon. THEY ALL SAID NO! The Christian in me chose not to cuss them out or wish bad on them, but we all know karma is real!

I get to my gate 5 minutes before boarding. I land in Chicago at 7:00am CST and grab an Uber to Devin’s place. Yall. UBERS IN CHICAGO ARE EXPENSIVE AF! I knew you don’t really need a personal vehicle in Chicago; walking or taking the train can get you to where you’re going. But, I didn’t expect the Uber trips to cost $45-$50 one way! I get to Devin’s, take a much-needed nap, then it’s time for the festivities to begin! We walk to Starbucks right around the corner. I get my eyebrows tinted for the first time. We rode Lyft bikes down the shoreline and took in the beautiful views of the city. I haven’t ridden a bike in FOREVER. It’s true, you never forget how to ride a bike, but I had a very slow start. Did a little wobbling. Tried to finesse and take pictures and videos as I was riding (because, priorities). But truly enjoyed myself!

After we rode bikes we hit the pavement and did some necessary sightseeing. The Bean at Millennium Park. Riverside sports bars like The Tiny Tapp. The Chicago Theatre. Then Willis Tower. But didn’t get to go inside the glass box. Okay, for the rest of this post there will be less talking and more showing. So here is a major photo dump! (Click the URLs under the photos to visit the sites!) Also, check out my Chicago Trip Vlog on my YouTube Channel!

Sushi Para, BYOB!

Saturday June 12th

Brunch. Beach. Bar.

Despite getting rained on walking home from the beach, the weather was wonderful the entire weekend! 80 degrees and sunny, but it was bearable. I wore comfortable sandals and enjoyed the walks everywhere.

Sunday June 13th

Slept in. Bottomless Brunch. Cubs game. Pizza (not deep dish).

Fun fact: I rode the train one time in my life prior to this trip — my senior year of high school I wanted a prom dress that “no one else would have.” I was born in Bronx, NY and my grandma still lived there. NYC is the place to go for fashion, right?! So my mom (the GOAT) took me to NYC to visit my grandma Honey and to shop for my prom dress. She was so excited to get me on a train, but guess what I did?! SLEPT ON THAT THANG! Haha! I don’t have a good memory of riding a train, but now I do!

Fully vaccinated, but they required masks on the train!
Cubs beat the Cardinals at Wrigley Field!
“Tony” – prosciutto, spinach, caramelized onion, sun-dried tomatoes, balsamic, goat cheese, & cream cheese. SO GOOD!

So even if it’s just for a weekend. Book the flight. Take the day off. Travel. Visit friends. Make memories. Do what makes you happy. And just LIVE. Work will always be there. Bills will always be there. Don’t skip out on opportunities to enjoy the moment and try new things! I truly enjoyed my entire time in Chicago and cannot wait to visit again! There is so much to do and see there, that you can’t do it all in just 1 weekend, but I won’t let that stop me! Devin, I’ll be back to visit you again soon! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Thanks to you and Jordan for having and hosting me! 🙂

“Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would increase abundantly.” — Job 8:7, NKJV.

Moni Jay, Off the Record

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