Did you know your mind is a crucial part of your fitness journey? I think I created this quote, if not, I’m going to say I did and be proud of myself for it: “train the mind and the body will follow.” That was what I shared with the participants for my May Fitness Program. Fitness can really be a […]
“The Gift of Gab”
Have you ever been to a public speaking seminar? Hi, my name is Imani and I am a lawyer. I am a criminal defense attorney and the way I like to describe “what I do” to other people (usually on the dating apps) is like this: I talk a lot and makeup stories. My last name is Carter and us […]
“C.C. Stands For…”
How would you describe your pet? C.C. stands for Cole Carter. He is newly 8 years old and is a Pitbull mix. Don’t ask me what he’s mixed with because his own mama doesn’t even know. Cole was born August 2013 and I brought him home with me December 2013. I didn’t know it back then, but this little 45lb, […]
“4, 5, or 0? You Tell Me!”
Are you living to work or working to live? Picture this — your typical Sunday evening. Whatcha doin’? What do those evenings look like for you? For me, they usually look like cooking dinner for the upcoming week and planning my workout days. The workouts I’ll have to get in during the wee early morning hours before I have to […]
“When Life Hands You Lemons…”
What makes you happy? What makes you feel fulfilled? What makes your life feel meaningful? I started my journey to becoming an influencer in January 2021 with the following goals: post inspirational and relatable moments, gain thousands of followers, and make some money. Maybe even add — turn the hobby into a second career or even travel and connect with […]
“1, 2, or 3? You Tell Me!”
What is your least favorite workout movement and why? Not everyone looks at fitness and “getting in shape” the same way. If you played sports as a kid and high schooler, you will most likely approach fitness as an adult with a similar mindset. However your coach trained you, you will most likely carry that with you into how you […]
“One Heck of A Ride!”
What’s something you looked forward to every year growing up? I don’t think it matters where you live, our minds probably go towards the same thoughts during the summer. The weather may be slightly different depending on where you live, but when summer hits, our minds jump to vacation mode. Family trips to resorts and amusement parks. Graduation trips and […]
“Don’t Forget About You!”
When was the last time you chose yourself over someone else? Y’all remember the TV anime show Pokémon? Where the Pokémon Trainer would have a Poké Ball and choose their Pokémon based on the battle they were in and what abilities and skills it had? (Sorry if that wasn’t a truly accurate description of the show, but I haven’t watched […]
“Even If Just For A Weekend”
When was the last time you did something spontaneous? On Monday May 10th I booked my flight to Chicago, IL to visit one of my good friends, Devin. I met Devin back in 2018 when he was recently new to Athens, GA. We met at the beloved CrossFit Liberate (“CFL”). Because there weren’t many Black or POC members of CFL, […]
“There’s Nothing Like a Father’s Love”
Do you think there’s a difference between being a “father” and being a “dad”? Daddy’s little girl found her voice.Daddy’s little girl isn’t so little anymore.Daddy’s little girl is an eagle soaring. Daddy’s little girl is his friend.Daddy’s little girl is a blessing.Daddy’s little girl is his daughter. His daughter asks questions.But isn’t that how we learn, daddy?His daughter challenges […]