• Athens, Georgia

“Ask And You Shall Receive!”

Who is in your trusted support system? It should be a well-known fact by now that in addition to my weekly blog posts, I also share a short, one-minute, motivational message every Monday of each week. This past week I shared a message/tip/piece of advice that was very fitting for me in my current season. I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T what does that spell? […]

“I Have A Testimony!”

When did your “mess” turn into your “message”? Regardless of your religious affiliations, I am sure you have heard somewhere, sometime in your life someone say “your test will soon be your testimony!” Or “your mess will turn into a message!” Those sayings are to encourage us to not give up, understand that we experience the valley before reaching the […]

“Dance Like Nobody’s Watching!”

Where can you usually be found at a party? Back in my dating app days, some of them would have the question “prompts” that you can add to your dating profile to help share some interesting information about you without you writing an autobiography. One of the questions was something like “where can you be found at a party?” (i.e. […]

“Yay or Nay?”

Have you ever decided to move into a fully furnished apartment? The weeks leading up to a big move can be exhausting and leave you feeling overwhelmed. Having a basic checklist to help you stop looking at the big picture and start concentrating on the smaller, much-needed items, is what moving a home is all about. Usually, about four weeks […]

“Give Your Dream A Chance”

How do you start off your days? A lot of motivational messages use metaphors related to playing a sport or fighting a war. You will often hear motivational speakers ask rhetorical questions that will force you to compare yourself to an NBA All-Star player or a military man on the battlefield. Those motivational messages often include statements such as “the […]

“Where To Next?!”

How long have you lived in your current residence? Whenever I meet new people in my city, one of the two following questions almost always seems to come up: “where are you from?” and “how long have you lived in Athens?” I recently made a few new connections, and as the answers “Pennsylvania” and “over 9 years” come out of […]