• Athens, Georgia

“Blessed with Motherhood”

Who is your superhero?

Yes. I’m a lawyer. Yes. I’m a blogger. But, am I a poet??? Nahhh, I’m not a poet, but I know how to latch onto something when it drops into my spirit. A couple of weeks ago, I had to unexpectedly travel to Gay, Georgia for my great, great, Aunt Josie’s funeral. Despite the sad circumstances, I felt nothing but love while I was there. I swear, it was like a mini family reunion! She is my great, great, aunt through my mother’s mom, Grandma Susie. I never had the chance to meet my Grandma Susie. But my mom, aunts, and great cousins carried on that weekend as if they didn’t miss a beat. They grew up together, spent summers with each other, and always knew the importance of keeping in touch. When I got back home to Athens, I was still on a “high.” That weekend was a personification of the meaning of the word “family,” and this is what dropped into my spirit:

“Blessed with Motherhood”
Poem by Imani J.

She walks with her head held high.
There’s no tears.
But just a slight sparkle in her eye.

She smiles as if the sunshine never ends
You’ll never know when her patience is running thin.

Or will you?
Will she give you that look that makes you wonder
“If I keep on, I’ll experience her thunder.”

But she doesn’t have to raise her voice
Nor even bat an eye.
Respecting her has always been your choice
And that aint no lie.

She walks with her head held high.
We never saw her struggle.
And she never gave us a reason to ask why.

Why do you always make it happen?
Why do you always show up?
Why do you always sing my praises?
Why do you always spread love?

“Well, baby, that’s just what we do!
That’s how we were raised,
And we instilled those characteristics in you!

You make me proud.
I’ll sing it aloud.
You make me proud.
And I love you!”

Yes. That’s just what they do.
They make it happen.
They do it all with grace.
They make it happen.
They do it all with a smile on their face.

We lack for nothing.
Or we thought we did.
But you know, those women are something!
Their nights worrying always stay hid.

Where did they get it from?
Grandma Susie?
Each other?

The answer is: all of the above.
From the man up above.
But most importantly: from love.

She walks with her head held high.
There’s no tears,
But just a slight sparkle in her eye.

She walks with her head held high.
Who is she?
I thought you’d never ask.
Please let me tell you.
But if you come over hungry, beware.
Because she’ll be all of that to you too!

She walks with her head held high.
Without her, I do not exist.
She’s my mom Robbin,
My Aunt Sue,
My Aunt Lee,
My Aunt Marcy,
My Grandma Susie,
And every other strong woman in that bloodline!

Because of them,
I walk with my head held high.


“Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, And on her tongue is the law of kindness.” — Proverbs 31:25-26, NKJV.

Moni Jay, Off the Record

5 thoughts on ““Blessed with Motherhood”

    • Author gravatar

      Great goods from you, man. I have be mindful your stuff previous to and you are just extremely wonderful. I actually like what you have received right here, certainly like what you are saying and the way through which you assert it. You make it enjoyable and you continue to take care of to keep it wise. I can not wait to read far more from you. That is actually a wonderful site.

    • Author gravatar

      I love you sooo much mommy!!

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you Tay! Thinking of you 🙂

    • Author gravatar

      Wow! Soooo beautiful! What a great post, Imani! I’m honored and blessed to be you and your brothers’ mother! I’m proud of you ALL and blessed that we have such a strong bond and a great relationship!
      Bless the Lord!

    • Author gravatar

      beautiful. happy Mother’s Day to all of those special mamas in your life!

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