• Athens, Georgia

“Under Construction”

When was the last time you felt like your life was under construction? What did you do to fix it?

To all of my subscribers and loyal readers, thank you. To all of my subscribers and loyal readers, I apologize. I apologize for not providing any content in the last few weeks! I feel like pieces of my life have been under construction and I haven’t really figured out how to put some pieces back together. Don’t worry, this isn’t the end of the world and I’m not at a breaking point and I haven’t hit rock bottom, but just some things have gotten out of place and it has led me to not write a blog post or post a YouTube video in a few weeks.

But I am here now and am excited about it!

When our world feels like it needs to take a break and go “under construction,” maybe we should let it. It’s okay. It doesn’t mean we’re quitters or failures. It just means we have to reassess and possibly do something a little different. I mean, when have you heard of a building or project appearing WORSE after a remodeling session?! That’s typically unheard of. Take control of where your life is at now, make the best of what you have, and make room for what’s new to come!

Speaking of construction, have you heard of Trinity Industrial Services?! Well, if you haven’t, let me tell you a little bit about them. “Trinity Industrial Services is a unique provider of large-scale commercial and municipal demolition, facilities decommissioning, environmental site remediation and abatement services.” It’s located right in Atlanta and has completed a number of projects all over the southeast.

TIS is a Veteran Owned Small Business and is adept at executing government contracts. I don’t think they’re qualified to remodel your personal life lol, but maybe you’re in the market for demolition and upgrade in other areas. Maybe you work for or know of a local hospital or gymnasium that is in need of their demolition services. Maybe you’re a contractor wanting to partner with TIS or submit a bid. Maybe you’re a citizen who enjoys watching small businesses help uplift and remodel businesses and buildings in your community.

At Trinity Industrial Services, we strongly believe that the safety of our staff, subcontractors, clients and site surroundings is our most important goal. We promote an accident-free workplace and “safety is no accident” philosophy through utilizing our extensive On‐Site Health and Safety Plans and enforcing our comprehensive health and safety policies and practices.

Trinity industrial services health & Safety

When your personal life goes under construction, that can be a scary thing. You might feel like your health or safety is in jeopardy and it just might be if you’re not careful! Our mental state can be so fragile we have to make sure we handle it with care and tend to it regularly. For example, even though I haven’t written a blog post or posted a new video on YouTube recently, I made sure to fill that time with extra rest, reflection, and manifestation. Those things are key to planning out the next steps when recovering from an under-construction type state.

Rest – Take time off work. Turn your phone off. Eliminate distractions. Turn your brain off. Watch mindless TV shows that make you laugh. Listen to music that relaxes you. Cook your favorite meal and pig out.

Reflect – What do you think has changed or occurred in your life recently to make you feel like it’s going under construction? Who in your life has stirred up thoughts that make you think something in your life needs remodeling? Once your period of rest is over, what are some of the first steps you will need to take to start that reconstruction journey? Reflect. Write it down. Speak it out loud.

Manifest – Speak it out loud. Write it down. Put it into the atmosphere. Pray about it. Envision yourself taking those first few steps. Imagine yourself crossing the finish line!

If you’re looking for reconstruction in your personal life, I hope this blog post helps. If you’re looking for demolition companies in Atlanta, then reach out to Trinity Industrial Services!

Moni Jay, Off the Record

1 thought on ““Under Construction”

    • Author gravatar

      Welcome back Imani!!! You were greatly missed, but I am glad that you took the time that you needed to get back on track. Thank you for sharing this vital information! It is so true that we allow ourselves to “take a step back” so that we can re-assess, re-think and re-group. Kudos to being “under construction!” 😉👏🏽

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