• Athens, Georgia


What’s a new endeavor you thought of starting but haven’t pressed GO yet? What are you waiting for?

A lot of people know me as a lawyer, but I want to share the quirky, not-so-perfect, and relatable moments of my life with you! I am 30 years old, single, a dog mom to one doggy named Cole, a devout Christian, and a lover of my community. Maybe sharing my life off the record will help you dig into your passion, navigate your purpose, identify what brings you joy outside of your day job – whatever that may be, and push you to be your unapologetic self daily. Or maybe it will just bring you a good chuckle every other week. But I hope the main takeaways from this blog are you feel uplifted and supported, and in turn you will uplift and support someone else.

My very first blog post!

Exactly 1 year ago I pushed the GO button on an idea, passion, new adventure, and overall new endeavor. Exactly 1 year ago I published my very first blog post. When I had the idea to begin blogging, and after gathering my thoughts and figuring out what is required to start a blog, I told myself it was going to go LIVE on October 1, 2020. And naturally, as that date was approaching, things would fall apart, I would get pushed back a few steps, but I stayed focused and didn’t get discouraged! I used the resources available to me and as scheduled, I DID THAT THANG! Haha. And yall, this year slick flew by! Wow! But this year also has been so much fun sharing my blogs and pieces of my life with you, reading your comments, and just building this space for positivity!

Over the past year, I also launched my YouTube channel! I went on somewhat of a rollercoaster with what content I wanted to share and what commitment was realistic for me and these hobbies. I think I am in a safe space right now, though 🙂 I have a couple of other ideas for things I want to begin in the near future (and you know I’m going to blog about it when the time comes!!), but I am pacing myself and enjoying the present moment and where I am right now in life! 🙂

K, I’m done babbling. I’m just very proud of how much I’ve grown in the past year and how the priorities in my life have changed and shifted! It’s such a liberating feeling, yall!

Here are 4 my favorite blog posts from the past year!

1. “I Think I Can, I Think I Can! – Crushing Your Fitness Journey, Part 1”

“So how did I lose that weight without CrossFit? The short answer is: I kept moving. The long answer is: I took time to figure out what workout would make me happy yet still challenged me. … My journey was also not straightforward or immediate; it took me a minute to find my happy place, but that’s the beautiful part about journeys. We never know exactly how they will look, but if we focus on why we’re traveling, then the destination will always be worth it. No matter where you are on your fitness journey, just know that you CAN achieve your goals if you stay motivated and just keep moving.”

This was the first post I wrote under “OTR in the Gym” category. I have 4 categories of blog topics — Gym, Family, Community, Me. I remember trying to figure out what to write about that would fall under the gym topic. Workouts are better explained with audio or video lol. But I enjoy this post because it was a vulnerable yet inspiring post for me. Seeing those comparison body photos really put into perspective two things for me, (1) how much progress I made and (2) how far I can push myself when needed. This fitness journey began due to the results of my A1C test. I also had to find a way to enjoy working out without CrossFit. It wasn’t easy at first, mentally, physically, or emotionally, but it was necessary and I got it done! The key is to just get started and to keep moving!

2. “Hands Up, It’s a Stickup! Robbing You of Black Love, Part I”

“(1) Do you think that Black men feel intimidated when trying to date or approach a woman he feels is more “successful” than him?
(2) Who do you think created the stipulation that a man has to be more “successful” than the woman in a relationship: Black women or America? (If you don’t think that stipulation exists at all, do you think there is a societal or systemic hurdle that Black men often face when dating?)”

Parts 1 & 2 of this Black Love conversation are very deep! In Part 1, I posed those 2 questions to a handful of men in my circle and included their responses. In Part 2, I posed those 2 questions to a handful of women, including myself, and provided our responses. I think this topic would make a great round-table discussion! The definition of “success” is very subjective, especially in our society where we have so many professions and we have the freedom to pursue whatever passions we want. Shoot, me being a lawyer still surprises me sometimes, but I am glad I pursued this career and am blessed to have had many successes.

In Part 2 I wrote: “A man should not feel intimidated when approaching a “successful” woman. He should be confident in himself, his abilities, and what he brings to the table. A relationship is a partnership. Partners build together. Partners thrive together. Partners shine together… Building with someone in a relationship is NOT the same as re-making someone in a relationship. There is a level of discernment that is needed when determining who you should do life with.” That was a little poetic! Lol!

3. “Not Another Black Life”

Take a moment and identify your skills and passions. How can you use those to make sure the world is just, fair, and equitable for all? … When we say Black Lives Matter, we are not saying that other lives don’t matter. We are simply asking for the respect, love, and kindness that is shown to other lives to be also shown to our Black lives. Black lives are being unjustly taken by police officers daily. All we want is for the killings to stop, and for all of us to be treated equally in every area of life.”

I’m just going to leave that right there. In the post, I shared the video of the speech I gave at a Black Lives Matter rally. That was after I spoke for the first time at a rally. After that, I spoke at a couple of other rallies and events. I found my voice and I used it. I am so proud of myself for doing that.

4. “A Rose That Grew From Concrete”

“Hey there, my name is Imani Carter. I am far from perfect but I made it where I am today because of God’s grace and His mercy. I wake up every morning with new opportunities to spread joy to others and to make a difference in this world because God never left me nor forsook me. He loves me. He guides me. He holds my hand. When I get bogged down, discouraged, or even faced with a new challenge, I hear God’s voice whisper in my ear, “I got you, sis!” I am reminded of His love for me every day. My name is Imani Carter and I am a rose that grew out of the concrete.”

I then proceeded to share some of my favorite Bible verses. Isaiah 40:31; Philippians 1:6; Jeremiah 29:11; Philippians 4:6; Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 32:17; Philippians 4:13; Ephesians 3:20.

They are verses that are encouraging, uplifting, inspiring, motivating, and overall reassuring. They keep me moving towards the bigger picture, get me through my day, and force me to dream bigger! The Bible is such an amazing book and I am so glad that I chose to build a relationship with Him and His word! God is never going to leave me nor forsake me. Every battle or challenge I face I am going to get through and I will be victorious at the end. His word is the truth. God never changes. Some people may not believe me when I say that my life isn’t perfect lol. I do not have it all together. But with those Bible verses, I am reminded that God’s got my back ALWAYS!

What was your favorite blog post I wrote thus far?! Are there any topics you’d like to see me write more about?? Please, tell me in the comments!

I pressed GO a year ago. I am nowhere ready to STOP. Thank you for riding with me on this JOURNEY! I look forward to blowing my own mind and bringing you more content that is motivating, inspirational, and flat-out REAL! Happy 1 Year Anniversary to my blog, Off the Record! See you next week! 🙂

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” — Isaiah 43:19, NKJV.

Moni Jay, Off the Record

5 thoughts on ““GO!”

    • Author gravatar

      Hey Imani, my favorite post was when you visited your friend in Chicago. I feel you on not being ambitious enough to travel as often as I should. Hopefully you’ve inspired me to travel more in the future.

    • Author gravatar

      I had to look back at your posts to see which one was my favorite (I enjoyed them ALL), and I believe my favorite is “Blessed With Mother Hood”. I loved the poem that you wrote, the shout out you gave to me, your aunties, your “Gramps”, and your Grandma Susie. Just know that those qualities are also instilled in YOU! BELIEVE THAT!!🤗

    • Author gravatar

      I had to look back at your posts to see which one was my favorite (I enjoyed them ALL), and I believe my favorite is “Blessed With Mother Hood”. I loved the poem that you wrote, the shout out you gave to me, your aunties, your “Gramps”, and your Grandma Susie. Just know that those qualities are also instilled in YOU! BELIEVE THAT!!🤗

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