What is one “random occurrence” in your life that you’d always be grateful for? As I’m listening to Michelle Obama’s book, Becoming, I can’t help but notice how much God showed up in her life. If you read (or listened to) her book, you would know a lot about her – from her childhood, how she grew up, how her […]
“Know Your Worth: Living Single, Part 2”
When did you first experience true love? “Where my man at?!” I’m just curious where my future husband is located. QTNA! (Questions That (STILL) Need Answers). I am in a wedding in February. No, it is not my wedding (you wish!). I am in one of my girlfriend’s wedding, and this past weekend we celebrated her bachelorette party in Houston, […]
“Yes, We’re Still Out Here Crushing Our Fitness Journeys! — Part 2”
How are your fitness and nutrition journeys going?! Like many of you, I incorporated fitness into my 2021 goals. And I know so many people habitually make hitting the gym or dieting as a new year resolution. But sometimes, not everyone sees those resolutions and goals through during the entire year. Trust me, I’ve been there way too many times! […]
“Home Alone — A Covid Christmas”
How do you normally celebrate the holidays? “I’m fine, thanks!” That was my notorious, go-to response when my inbox would fill will questions of how I’m feeling or if I needed anything. At first, I felt flattered having everyone and their mama reaching out to me to make sure I was okay. But then, after the first flood of texts, […]
“Jump The Hurdle! It’s Okay If You Fall.”
Are you standing in the way of your own goals? Ah, it’s Thursday December 31, 2020. The last day of this [wretched] [terrible] [draining] [scary] [perfect] [eye-opening] [great] [long] [whatever adjective you choose] year! I don’t know what adjective I’d use to describe 2020, maybe “inevitable.” I had some ups and downs in this year. Some doors open and some […]
“Fun Fact: I Play the Violin”
What is one skill or talent you have that not everyone may know about? I mentioned in my last post on my 2020 highlights, that one of the highlights was me terminating my cleaning business. You may be thinking you never knew I owned a cleaning business. Or you may even be thinking how did she own a cleaning business […]
“That’s Worth Highlighting! — Moni Jay’s 2020 in Review”
What’s one of your highlights from 2020? Post it in the comments! Here are my top 20 highlights from 2020, in no specific order: 1. Hosted my very first Vision Board Party and created a vision board for the first time. I was so hype for 2020 and what I had planned that I needed to host this vision board […]
“Don’t Look Up, You’ll Be Too Amazed!”
Are you happy right now? I am 30 years old and I began my career at the age of 25. Prior to that, I was a student. I began working at the age of 17 and held a job, either full-time or part-time as I was obtaining my degrees. I was baptized at a very young age, grew up as […]
“Not Your Traditional Thanksgiving”
What are you thankful for? I promise I am not trying to center all of my posts around 2020 and how rough or how unexpected it has been. As a Christian, you learn to “laugh in the enemy’s face” and to “praise God in the hallway.” When things are going bad or we are experiencing trials and tribulations, we are […]
“Carbs — They Love Me, They Love Me Not”
What is your favorite food? Growing up, Grandpa always did the cooking. I began living with Grandpa and my cousins at the age of 11. When we woke up in the morning we either had a cooked breakfast of grits, eggs, toast, sausage, and bacon, or we had several options to choose from like oatmeal, cereal, or PopTarts (or if […]