• Athens, Georgia

“Set the Scene”

Are you lining things up to set the scene for the life you want to live? I’m sure many of you have heard the phrase “set the scene” before. We may have heard it in regard to a play or movie. We might have asked our girlfriend or bestie to set the scene for the tea they’re about to spill. […]

“Dream Courageously!”

How would you define your leadership style? Once a week, my church meets virtually for Bible study. Typically, in Bible study you would read and study a scripture or a sermon. But sometimes my church reads through a book selection and we discuss it during Bible study. We are currently reading “Navigating The Journey: Lessons for Longevity in Ministry” written […]

“Simple Pleasures”

What are some of your “simple” life’s pleasures? It’s Saturday morning, 8:50am. My body woke up at 7:51am this morning. My alarm was set for 9:35am. That was a “just in case” alarm. I went to bed around midnight last night. I typically do not sleep in past 8am most days. I set that alarm because that’s the latest I […]

“Slaying Empathy”

Would you define yourself as an empathetic person? “Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.” As a public defender, we stress the importance of empathy. A good lawyer and advocate would be empathetic to what their client is dealing with so that they can put forth the best defense. See the client as a human, not […]

“The Dynamic Duo”

What quality have you’ve been trying to strengthen in yourself lately? It’s 2024. It’s a new year. It’s a new month. It’s a new week. And it’s a new day. I’m off social media right now. It’s one of the things I chose to do as I entered into this new year. I originally had a list of “resolutions” jotted […]

“It’s Out of Your Control”

Are you someone who always has to be in control of everything? There are 2 things that will forever be constant about life — (1) the world is continuously going/moving and (2) there will be things that are simply out of our control. Yes, I am someone who always has to be in control of everything. And one of the […]