Do you believe you can train your mind to achieve whatever it is you want? C’mon, don’t act like you forgot that this special time of year wasn’t on the horizon. No matter how hard we try or how much we want to avoid it, there will be that 3-week period in which we wish we had never taken soul […]
What have you done afraid? A couple of years ago, as we were entering into another new year, I felt that overwhelming feeling of “What will next year look like?” Did I accomplish what I wanted to do this year? Can I take on anything new next year? Should I even set goals? What are goals? *endless intrusive thoughts* Luckily […]
“Till Death Do Us Part”
When you hear the word “love” what image comes to mind? I’m sitting here finishing up watching the last few episodes of Season 3 of Harlem. I’m tearing up as Quinn, one of Camille’s best friends, gives a speech at Camille’s baby shower where she introduces everyone who is connected to Camille in some way. Camille met these people at […]
“Cease the Christmas Conflict!”
What are some of your favorite things about the holiday season? Check out a quick list below to help keep the holidays happy this year! 🙂 The holiday season, Christmas and New Year’s Eve, are my favorite times of the year. Christmas because ever since I moved away from home for college and beyond, it marked the end of a […]
Can you help me out? Choice – Noun:“an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.” This past Sunday in church my pastor was preaching a message on Election PTSD (I totally didn’t know that was a thing!). Within his message he reminded us that we all have the power of choice. God actually […]
When was the last time you “freaked out” over something that wasn’t that “big of a deal?” Have you heard of India Arie’s song, “I Am Not My Hair?” Lyrics are posted below, but some days I agree with the moral of the song and sometimes I don’t. I’m not going to lie, when my hair is done and neat, […]
“Love is Patient, But Are You?”
What does “wait” mean to you? What do you find yourself doing while you “wait”? Over the past few days the word “patience” and the demand “be patient” have been prevalent in my life. I would see posts about being patient on Instagram. My heart would think about Bible verses on patience. And the whole time I’m wondering what this […]
“Set the Scene”
Are you lining things up to set the scene for the life you want to live? I’m sure many of you have heard the phrase “set the scene” before. We may have heard it in regard to a play or movie. We might have asked our girlfriend or bestie to set the scene for the tea they’re about to spill. […]
“Dream Courageously!”
How would you define your leadership style? Once a week, my church meets virtually for Bible study. Typically, in Bible study you would read and study a scripture or a sermon. But sometimes my church reads through a book selection and we discuss it during Bible study. We are currently reading “Navigating The Journey: Lessons for Longevity in Ministry” written […]
“Simple Pleasures”
What are some of your “simple” life’s pleasures? It’s Saturday morning, 8:50am. My body woke up at 7:51am this morning. My alarm was set for 9:35am. That was a “just in case” alarm. I went to bed around midnight last night. I typically do not sleep in past 8am most days. I set that alarm because that’s the latest I […]